How to set smart goals

Have you ever set New Year’s Goals to promptly forget about them about 3 days later?  If yes, you are in good company.  Starting a new year can be a great time to set intentions, but here at begin again, we believe there is no wrong time to identify what is next for you and what steps you want to take to get there!  So whether you are reading this blog at the start of the year or the middle of July, there is no wrong time to begin again and set goals!


Let’s get started and chat about how to set goals that will serve to keep you on track and celebrate your win’s as you begin again.  Some of you may have heard about SMART goals before, but for those who haven’t, let’s do a quick refresher.


SMART goals stand for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Sensitive.  Let’s do an example.  Consider someone who has never been a runner before but wants to start running to get movement in their day.  Raise your hand if running is your therapy and you can relate.


An example of a goal that would not be smart would be to run a marathon by the next week.  Do we need to explain why? :)


A goal that would be a smart goal would be to walk/run a half mile, 2 times per week for the next 4 weeks to build up cardio endurance and get the body used to running more.  The goal could increase in miles and speed as needed.


What if the goal is to drink more water each day?  A smart goal example would be to drink at least 1 cup of water daily, for the next 5 days.  The goal could be increased weekly.


These are common examples of SMART goals but let’s talk about what needs to present anytime goals are being set:


·      It has to have importance!

·      It has to have value

·      It requires belief in the ability to reach the goal

·      It has to be achievable

·      It must require a high level of commitment


It’s also important to note that goals can be fluid and change over time – you may find you need to increase or decrease the original goal you set – and that’s ok!  Goals must be relevant and important to where you currently are, and where you want to go.


We say often at begin again that it is never too late to change directions and begin again, but we also never say it will be easy!  Talking through and mapping out HOW you will achieve the goals that are important to you will be critical.  Message us at begin again to start the process and begin again to live the life you’ve always dreamed of!


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