Wellness in the Spring

If you are like me, you live in an area where are there are very marked seasons – fall, winter, spring and fall.  Many of us have our favorite time of year and reasons for that!  Let’s chat about how to ensure wellness for yourself as you move into springtime, one of my favorite times of the year!


Spring invokes images of greenery, new beginnings and fresh air after a long cold winter.  It’s a sign of beginning again.  No wonder we love this season here at begin again!  It’s a reminder that it is never too late to start over, begin again and set new intentions.


What does wellness look like for us here at begin again in the spring?


Getting outside!!!


Some people love to hike in the cold over the winter, but others don’t.  It’s a breath of fresh air when the days get longer and the air gets warmer.  What a great opportunity to take more walks, go hiking and visit your local parks!  If exploring state parks and hiking is your jam, most state parks will offer an entry card that will save you money in the long run if you visit often.  We talk about the alltrails app often because we love it so much!  This is your go to app for finding trails and learning what others had to say about it – it’s a game changer for hiking.


Do you love to run or hike but don’t want to go out in the woods/city alone?  Many cities have run/hiking clubs you can join for free.  This is a great way to join others and build connection, while doing something you love!


Eating the colors of the rainbow!


Fall and winter coincide with lots of heavy meals and candies/desserts (though delicious) over the holiday season.  Spring is a great time to visit your local farmers markets and load up on fresh veg and produce.  Many local farms will let you come and pick whatever is in season – what a great way to spend time with family and friends, while also getting great fresh produce.


Make your plate as colorful as you can – the more colors, the better!  You may be able to afford a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in your area, or buy canned fruits and veggies – do whatever works best for you.  Have you heard of the Fresh Stop Market?  It’s a great way to support communities having access to fresh produce, or get it for yourself at a reduced rate.


Spring Cleaning!


As we start to open the windows more and let all the fresh air in, it’s a wonderful time to do an assessment of not only what you own, but also an opportunity to freshen up your living space.  Have you ever noticed when your space feels more uncluttered, your mind feels that way too? 


-       Start with chemical free cleaning supplies if you can – the less chemicals you have in your house, the better.  Spring cleaning literally removes dust and allergens that have been building up all winter – which makes the air you are breathing much cleaner!  Who doesn’t want that?  Make a list of the spaces you really want to clean (think ceiling fans/baseboards) that you never seem to find time to get to during the year.

-       Taking stock of what you have and what you want to give away.  How many times have you bought something to come home and find it in a closet?  Guilty as charged.  Taking stock of what you currently own and don’t need anymore will save you time and money in the long run.  This is a great opportunity to give gently used belongings to those who could use it – a win win!


Grow your own food!


This might be a stretch for some of you (and where we lose you :)) but if you have a green thumb, why not try your hand at growing produce?  There is something so satisfying about going to your backyard, picking a fresh tomato and making your own BLT…take my word for it!  Certain veg like tomatoes, squash and zucchini are relatively easy to grow – even for a novice.


If growing food isn’t your thing, what about flowers and other greenery?  Bringing fresh flowers into your space just sets a tone of loveliness that can’t be explained.  Check out your local area for free master gardening sessions if this appeals to you!


These are just some of the ways we like to begin again in the springtime. What will it look like for you to begin again as we move into Spring?  Reach out to us to set up a free discovery call to chat through ways you can start fresh as you move into spring!




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