The Truth behind Healthy Eating Patterns

Trying to describe what healthy eating looks like can be like writing a dissertation!  In our current culture of fad diets, influencers and everything in between, it’s hard to know what is actual science backed data and what is someone’s opinion.  Have you seen the “what I eat in a day” posts on socials?  As a Coach, I remind my clients that those can be very misleading given it’s showing what might be good for that person, and not necessarily for anyone else.  Those kinds of posts can also lead to the comparison trap – as you may not have access to the style of food they are eating, or have time to prepare it.   As a Certified Wellness Coach and Certified Personal Trainer, I hope to make it a little easier for you to identify what “healthy eating Patterns” can look like in your day to day life. 

 Let’s consider the following when we think about what healthy eating patterns can look like…

 Healthy eating patterns;

·      Can look different from individual to individual

·      Incorporate aspects like culture, medical needs and personal values

·      Are often based on goals of the individual

·      Is based on a pattern and not one specific meal.

·      Brings enjoyment both socially and individually.


Clients often want to know – what should I be eating? Or, what is the best diet?  There is no best diet, only many ways to eat healthy dietary patterns!  The answer will stem from all the areas noted above!  The best approach is to focus on healthy eating patterns, which include;

·      Plenty of vegetables, fruits and legumes

·      Plenty of dietary fiber

·      Healthy fats

·      Limited saturated fat, sugar and sodium

·      Hydration!!


One area that is often missed in thinking about healthy eating patterns is to consider how what your eating patterns looks like affects not only your physical health but your mental and emotional health as well.  Questions to consider include; how does what you eat make you feel mentally?  Emotionally? 


Here at begin again, we want our clients to have a positive relationship with food that impacts ALL areas of their life for the positive.  We’re not doctors, therapists or dietitians, so we’ll recommend you meet with one if needed, but we love to help folks figure out how to get more of all the areas above present in their life as they begin again with their relationship to food!


If you are wanting to begin again in your healthy eating patterns, message us to set up a free discovery call!


Check out these resources on where to find out more about healthy eating patterns.

Cheers to healthy eating!




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