Wellness in the fall

Hello Fall!  If you are lucky enough to live somewhere like me where we get all the seasons, I must admit that fall is my favorite by far.  What is there not to love?  All the pumpkin spice, warm sweaters, apples, fall festivals and the list goes on and on.

However, even if you don’t get the change of seasons, I know that fall brings a lot of extra stress for several of us.  Back to school schedules, less daylight each day and the upcoming holiday season. 


Let’s chat through some strategies we like here at begin again to help you enjoy this season, no matter your stage of life or where you live.


Embrace and acknowledge the changes that each new season brings

We can apply this to both the physical weather season AND the season of life we are in…maybe your kids went back to school, or left for college, or you are going through a life change now.  Embrace what that change means for you – take time to consider what is joyful about it, and maybe what is hard as well.  Both joy and sorrow can be contained in the same season and are not exclusive of each other.


Maybe this looks like giving yourself space to take walks by yourself, or 5 minutes alone with coffee in the morning.  Do whatever you need to allow yourself space to process what this new season looks like, and what it is bringing your way.


Take inventory of what is working, and what isn’t

Maybe you had a schedule and rhythm that worked well for you during the summer, but just isn’t doing the trick anymore.  It’s a great practice to continually review what’s working for you and what’s not – both individually and with a partner / family. 


Are there practices that need to change?  For example, maybe you were staying up much later in the summer with the extra daylight hours but find yourself dragging now.  Maybe the bedtime needs to be adjusted to feel your best in this new season.  It’s ok to set new rhythms that work for you and your family – be creative on what works best!


Make your best effort to get sunlight during the day

As fall moves along, we will get less and less sunlight each day.  Some people love this, while others don’t – it’s amazing how much sunlight can impact your mental health and wellness.  Do an inventory of how you feel during the summer / winter months.  Do you notice a difference?


If your daily schedule allows, get outside in the afternoon, even for 10 minutes to get fresh air and sun on your face.  Can you schedule a walking meeting with co-workers?  Eat your lunch outside?  Take your kids to the park?  Be creative on being intentional to be outside during daylight hours.  Maybe instead of working out at a gym you run or walk outside – do whatever it takes to get extra sunlight.


Give yourself grace and patience as the holidays approach

For some people the holidays are a time of warmth and family…and for others it is a deeply painful time – and sometimes it can be a combination of both.  Start now, preparing yourself for what your expectations are and how you can show up and protect your wellness through the holiday season.


Maybe that looks like not attending every event you are invited to but choosing the ones that are most important to you. 


Want to chat with us about how you can transition through different stages while protecting your wellness?  Message us to chat.  We want you to enjoy all the seasons of life while also protecting your wellness.  It’s never too late to begin again.


Happy fall!


Wellness while traveling